Aphasia is a speech impairment that impacts our ability to understand language (i.e. follow commands, answer questions, etc) or express our thoughts (i.e. finding the correct word, creating sentences, etc), as a result of a neurological injury or impairment. Communication options are available to assist patients at all levels of impairment.
Cognitive-Linguistic Deficits
Cognitive deficits in the areas of memory, attention, problem-solving, and executive function can impact our ability to complete our daily activities. These deficits may be the result of a stroke, TBI, concussion, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, or mild cognitive impairment. These deficits can be targeted directly in speech therapy.
Motor Speech - Dysarthria & Apraxia
Motor speech disorders are typically the result of stroke, brain injury, or other neurologic condition. Dysarthria can impact overall speech intelligibility, articulation, vocal intensity, resonance, and prosody. Apraxia is a motor planning deficit which can impact our ability to formulate and sequence sounds at the syllable, word, sentence, or conversation level.
Swallowing difficulty related to prior stroke TBI, Parkinson’s disease, or other neurological conditions
Voice Therapy/Dysphonia
Voice related changes due to vocal fold nodules, polyps, muscle tension, or spasmodic dysphonia.
*Treatment for dysphonia requires prior ENT evaluation.
Intensive speech treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease and other neurologic conditions. Treatment is scheduled for a minimum of 4x/week for 4 weeks
SPEAK OUT! Program
Speech Treatment for Parkinson’s disease, developed from Parkinson Voice Project. Weekly treatment requirements may vary by patient.