• Aphasia

    Aphasia is a speech impairment that impacts our ability to understand language (i.e. follow commands, answer questions, etc) or express our thoughts (i.e. finding the correct word, creating sentences, etc), as a result of a neurological injury or impairment. Communication options are available to assist patients at all levels of impairment.

  • Cognitive-Linguistic Deficits

    Cognitive deficits in the areas of memory, attention, problem-solving, and executive function can impact our ability to complete our daily activities. These deficits may be the result of a stroke, TBI, concussion, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, or mild cognitive impairment. These deficits can be targeted directly in speech therapy.

  • Motor Speech - Dysarthria & Apraxia

    Motor speech disorders are typically the result of stroke, brain injury, or other neurologic condition. Dysarthria can impact overall speech intelligibility, articulation, vocal intensity, resonance, and prosody. Apraxia is a motor planning deficit which can impact our ability to formulate and sequence sounds at the syllable, word, sentence, or conversation level.

  • Dysphagia

    Swallowing difficulty related to prior stroke TBI, Parkinson’s disease, or other neurological conditions

  • Voice Therapy/Dysphonia

    Voice related changes due to vocal fold nodules, polyps, muscle tension, or spasmodic dysphonia.

    *Treatment for dysphonia requires prior ENT evaluation.


    Intensive speech treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease and other neurologic conditions. Treatment is scheduled for a minimum of 4x/week for 4 weeks

  • SPEAK OUT! Program

    Speech Treatment for Parkinson’s disease, developed from Parkinson Voice Project. Weekly treatment requirements may vary by patient.